
I LOVE MY RABBI! I'm not Jewish... but my Rabbi is!

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Location: New York, United States

I LOVE my Rabbi!

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

A Boy Always Loves His Mother

My mom is one of the coolest people around! I was on the phone with her the other day, and she told me about these snow sculptures that she made out in her front yard. She says to me, she says, "Yeah I made one of this guy sitting on a stool, leaning with his arm up on a table." That's pretty darn cool, right? But she also made one of a "snow seal," as she likes to call them, it was not her first snow seal. Anyway, I asked her how big it was, she said, "Oh, I don't know, the seal had his head up, the tip of his nose was about three feet high." What?! How long was it? "Oh, probably five or six feet long" Holy cow!... Well, what about the guy, how tall was he? "Well, I don't know,with my arms stretched up... Probably six feet tall or so." Holy mackerel! Six feet tall sitting?! "Yeah." And the stool and all that, it was all made out of snow?! "Yup." Mom, that's crazy, that's so awesome!

Way to go Mother! You topped my "coolest person" list for this month, maybe for two or three months, but don't press your luck! I only wish that there were photographs I could display, for the whole world to see, or at the very least that I could see.

I told her that she should take a class or two on sculpting, because she obviously loves it, I hope she does! That would be totally awesome!

Thank you for reading!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

This Just In!

My store is now officially open for business! I only have two items right now, but more is sure to come soon. Sign up for my store newsletter to get updated on new products as the come in! Sign up in the box to the left. All you have to do is go to:
  • PEZsnyak-MART! or use the link in Scott's Picks!

    Great items like this are now available!
  • Saturday, March 26, 2005

    Miracles Do Happen

    Miracles do happen! God answers prayer!... Don't ever doubt it!

    I didn't have a job for a couple of weeks, money was getting tight. Even after I got a job, it wasn't going to pay me for A MONTH! I couldn't believe it! I really needed to, at the very least, pay for my car insurance, so "they" wouldn't take my car away. I prayed for a miracle, just to get me through until I got my first paycheck, if I had know, I would have asked for a lot more. I asked my step-mother if they could spare anything, she very willingly said yes, and I am very grateful. But I still needed a little more. So I asked the people in my bible study to pray for me, I needed a miracle. Divine finance! The next week, upon entering the bible study, one of the guys there said, "hey, I talked to someone about your situation, I've got some money for you." Hmm, I thought, that's pretty cool. As it turns out, it was three hundred dollars! I couldn't believe it! It was a dream, or rather, a prayer come true! I just wanted to give a shout out to my Heavenly Father, who does answers prayer, to say thank You! All the Praise and Glory are Yours for ever and ever, AMEN!

    Thank you for reading!

    Wednesday, March 23, 2005

    This is not a joke...

    Well, I mean, it is really; but, seriously, I did this personality test, to see which world leader I am, and it came up ABRAHAM LINCOLN! Pretty funny, huh? The personality description is the best!
    Then I did one for a movie!...I didn't know what to think about that at first, what kind of person is it saying I am?! But then I read that caption, and it's not so bad...

    Thank you for reading!

    Tuesday, March 22, 2005

    Common Sense

    There has been a continual argument, since the dawn of time, between men and women... Who Has More Common Sense?

    Both sides, undoubtedly, will always choose the sex to which they belong. But I think the time has past for petty squabbling, and an end has to be put to this argument once and for all. Because, you see, to me, that's not a hard question to answer. Of course women have more Common Sense. I mean, think about it. What's a common cold? A cold that most everyone gets, right? What are commonfolk? The people who make up most of the population of a particular area, I suppose. So it just goes to figure that women must have more Common Sense! Everyone knows, despite China's avid no-girl-babies policy, that 51% of the general worldwide population is female, 48% is male (there's a 1% loss due to lack of interest). Fifty-one out of a possible 100 is a clear majority, what they think must, therefore, be Common Sense. We can otherwise define Common Sense then by saying that when matters arise, and thought must be used to overcome a problem, we will throw away all concepts of logic, and respond totally based on emotion. Men might lack Common Sense, I'll grant women of the world that. But I think one of our strengths might lie in a more Practical Sense.

    Thank you for reading!

    Thursday, March 17, 2005

    SBE #1: The Forgiveness of Sins

    As for me, I am not one to think to highly of my own opinion... well, not too highly anyway. You might disagree if you know me, but I have been through a lot lately. Not anything I will go into presently, but I assure you, real change is taking place.

    Not long ago, forget about how long exactly, it does not matter, I realized that forgiving people, of wrongs they have done to us, is about the hardest thing we might ever have to do. For some, admittedly, it does seem come easier than for others. But for those whom it does come easy, we might tend to question the depth of that forgiveness. It is not enough that we tell someone that we forgive them while still harboring resentment, all the while playing well the part of a friend. Nor is it enough that we are just "okay" with them, tolerating them, so to speak; we must forgive as our Father forgives.

    When our Heavenly Father forgives us of our unquenchable debt against Him, He does not simply say "Well, I'm okay with you, but I can't lose that wisdom of what you did!" No, He is willing to separate our transgressions as far from us as the east is from the west. "Wait," we reply, "you mean, that when we forgive others, that's it?" Yes, when God forgives His children, it is as if they have never sinned at all. He keeps no record of past wrongs. And that, for us, is where the real challenge lies. Can we forgive someone as if they never trespassed against us? Just try to imagine, God the Father, Knower of All, Omni-everything, Perfect beyond Perfection, without even the smallest trace of blemish, whose very being defines Purity, and exemplifies Truth, the One who has numbered the hairs on our heads! yet HE is willing to quite literally forget that we sinned against Him. How?! Why?! Is it the only way He could stand to be around us, if He must (eternally speaking). Or is it just one more great example of how huge the pool of His Grace and Mercy really is. If God held on to that past wisdom, what would it be like. I have ran it over and over again in my mind, a scenario:

    "Hello my child. Welcome to my throne room"
    "Thank you, Mighty One."
    "Well, I see that you have trusted in my Sons sacrifice for the forgiveness of your sins..."
    "Yes, Your Worship."
    "Well, that's all well and good, however..."
    "Yes well, you see, I just can let go of the wisdom that I acquired through out your life time, how horrible of a person you were to me and how untrustworthy you were, I mean, I do forgive you, I'm okay with you and all, I just I don't really want you around me or my Family. Talk to y..." And there he cuts Himself off, because, He was about to say, "talk to you later," but He does not intend to. And with that He bids you good-bye.

    Could you imagine the horror. "But I was forgiven!" Our cry falls on deaf ears, because: He forgave us as we forgave those.

    This is not to say that by any means I have perfected forgiveness, in of myself. I think myself to fall into that "easy forgiver" category. But I have tasted it. It's just a very subtle taste, but do not miss my meaning here, one that is small, yet very powerful. Like when you have just the smallest fragment of peppercorn in your mouth, no bigger than a grain of sand, and then when you bite it, this little thing sets your whole mouth afire! I know that God has forgiven me, of that I have no doubts, but I do not think we ('we,' here, being those of us whom have accepted His forgiveness) can completely, and truly understand what that means, not until, at least, the Glory.

    Here we must realize that our debt to Him is beyond self reconciliation, there in nothing we can do to pay it off. But what is this? He pays the debt for us! How absurd! from a human point of view. Only when we realize this is that seed of Forgiveness planted. And this is where we must make a choice, to nurture that seed, and see it grow into full maturity, like a mighty redwood, or just to let it sit there within us, never germinating, never sprouting, never peaking it's first little leaves above the top of the soil. Our choice, really, is no choice. How much more is our debt to God than another's could be to us. The concept of not forgiving others, when weighed against that, is utter foolishness. We must pay the debt of others ourselves, or at the very least absolve it completely.

    Forgiveness is not easy, not for people anyway. I do not know, nor will I make any assumption as to the degree of difficultly God has with it. All things are possible with Abba, but does that mean all things are easy? Who knows?! But for us, as we live on Earth, forgiving is a challenge, and one we must face, and conquer. Our only hope lies in the empowering of His Spirit dwelling inside of us. We must learn to rely on God to be our strength to truly forgive others. We cannot do it on our own. Praise the LORD! that he has sent His mighty Helper.

    "For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return." Luke 7:38(b) NASB

    Thank you for reading!

    Tuesday, March 15, 2005

    Hey Everyone!

    Well, my new blog is up and running, I've started in on my first big "soap box" essay,which is on it's way soon, I hope you all can't wait to read it. As per usual with blogs I will try to add a new entry as often as possible. I will not, however, chronicle my everyday life as if it's some diary, that for some reason, I will let everyone in the world read at their own leisure. I do not understand why people do this, and more so, why they should want to. It's like what my friend Nick once told me:
    People are putting their deepest, darkest secrets on the internet, in these blogs, and it's like... some future, potential employer, one whom you may be currently trying to land a job with, could just as easily look up your blog diary to see what's on there about you. (Despite the fact that I just quoted him, it's more of a paraphrase, however accurate it might be.)

    And think of it, one day, it might become a regular part of the application process. "Okay, we'll check your references, standard drug test, and do a search on the internet for your blog, to see what you wrote about yourself," yeesh!

    At any rate, I hope that you will check often, read with open hearts, and that in some way, I might bless you when you read my entries. This is assuming though, that you will read it at all. But we all know the cliche, so don't bother. Also I want to add, that I'm going to make it a point not just to put heavy, "controversial" stuff on here, or whatever, but also, fun, light stuff too, as it arises. So don't turn away on the first sign of something that turns you off, because you never know what tomorrow might bring! And always feel free to comment on anything you dis/like. I don't think you need your own blog anymore to do that. So have fun!

    Thank you for reading!

    Monday, March 14, 2005

    What the...?

    I don't know much about this "blogging" nonsense, but I guess this is it, right?

    Well, I really just wanted to get one made, because apparently it's the only way to really communicate with the world these days. Some kind of soap box, that's what I'm told... I don't know... seems fishy.

    Well, as most of you know, I've recently moved from CNY, to the Triangle area. I make it a habit to live in places without real names. I'm staying with an old high school buddy and his wife and child. It's pretty cool. I get a real dinner almost everyday, which is a big change for me, I usually don't eat too much. Other than a total change in location, having no friends to speak of, save two, everything is pretty much like it's always been.

    Well, I guess that's it for now... still don't really understand this whole thing... I'll make my next post really theological, and super conservative just for Nick L.

    Thank you for reading!

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