
I LOVE MY RABBI! I'm not Jewish... but my Rabbi is!

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I LOVE my Rabbi!

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Hey Everyone!

Well, my new blog is up and running, I've started in on my first big "soap box" essay,which is on it's way soon, I hope you all can't wait to read it. As per usual with blogs I will try to add a new entry as often as possible. I will not, however, chronicle my everyday life as if it's some diary, that for some reason, I will let everyone in the world read at their own leisure. I do not understand why people do this, and more so, why they should want to. It's like what my friend Nick once told me:
People are putting their deepest, darkest secrets on the internet, in these blogs, and it's like... some future, potential employer, one whom you may be currently trying to land a job with, could just as easily look up your blog diary to see what's on there about you. (Despite the fact that I just quoted him, it's more of a paraphrase, however accurate it might be.)

And think of it, one day, it might become a regular part of the application process. "Okay, we'll check your references, standard drug test, and do a search on the internet for your blog, to see what you wrote about yourself," yeesh!

At any rate, I hope that you will check often, read with open hearts, and that in some way, I might bless you when you read my entries. This is assuming though, that you will read it at all. But we all know the cliche, so don't bother. Also I want to add, that I'm going to make it a point not just to put heavy, "controversial" stuff on here, or whatever, but also, fun, light stuff too, as it arises. So don't turn away on the first sign of something that turns you off, because you never know what tomorrow might bring! And always feel free to comment on anything you dis/like. I don't think you need your own blog anymore to do that. So have fun!

Thank you for reading!


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