
I LOVE MY RABBI! I'm not Jewish... but my Rabbi is!

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I LOVE my Rabbi!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

SBE #5: Merry Holidays! Take a Stand For Jesus!

Okay, I am finally taking an official position on this whole "Merry Christmas"v."Happy Holidays" nonsense. Do I say "Merry Christmas," do I say "Happy Holidays?" Well I will tell you what I say, I say: Merry Christmas, because I want everyone to have a, you guessed it, MERRY CHRISTMAS! Well, Scott, what if I do not celebrate Christmas,what then? Well, then say Happy Holidays; and I will apologize if I have offended you, which I undoubtedly have not. But Scott, what if I am a huge cooperation trying to sell as many things as possible to as many people as possible regardless of whether or not they celebrate Christmas. Well, then say Happy Holidays if you think it's going to sell you more packages, which it will not, but go ahead and say whatever you want.

What is really frustrating me is the ridiculous uproar that "Christians" have made about people and companies saying or not saying Merry Christmas. What a waste of your time. News flash! This world is going to Hell, and telling them Merry Christmas on their way there, is not the answer. We should put all that energy and all that focus on winning souls for Christ instead of meaningless boycotts and angry letters to Bill O'Reilly.

Christmas is not about saying Merry Christmas, it is not about giving presents to your loved ones, or putting up a holiday tree, oops, I mean, Christmas Tree, or wait... yeah, Christmas Tree. It is not even really about spending time with your family. All of those things are good, fun, tradition, but it is not what Christmas is about. Christmas is about when God came to Earth, the Word made flesh! It is just the beginning of a really great story about how God loves people so much that He had to come to save us from ourselves. The people that Jesus came to save were the people that would not say Merry Christmas, that is the point. We should not be fighting them, we need to love them, show them that Jesus is better then their sad, empty lives. That He can fill holes in their hearts that they are too dead to even know are there. Maybe if Christians in America were more loving, as opposed to angry, people would be more apt to want to say Merry Christmas, instead of trying to force them to; I mean how much sense does that make?

This is my challenge to you: Every time someone says "Happy Holidays" to you, instead of being reminded about how angry you should be, pray for that person. That's it, just pray. Pray that God would reveal Himself to them, in a new way, in a way that would be irresistible! I know that is a lot of prayer, but come on, America needs it.

Thank you for reading!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Scott, you are one of the wisest men that I know. And also one of the the funniest. I hope that the to go hand in hand, because I'm trying to study up on some comedy routines. God bless you, brotha.

10:29 PM, December 13, 2005  

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