
I LOVE MY RABBI! I'm not Jewish... but my Rabbi is!

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I LOVE my Rabbi!

Monday, July 18, 2005


So I was watching Nature on PBS,(that was my first mistake, watching PBS) this episode was dedicated to Hippos, which is one of my favorite animals. And the program solidified them in the top five for sure, there just so cool! Anyway, it turns out that when a hippo goes under water there are these valves that automatically close off their nose and ears. As the show points out, however, this does not stop them from communicating. You see, it seems that hippos can make all these squeaks and whistles and clicks and such inside their bodies for underwater "talking" just like dolphins. The show very quickly brought to our attention, and with all certainty of fact, that this is no coincidence. You see dolphins and hippos share a common ancestor and that is why they both talk the same under water... Yeah, they have a common ancestor all right, they share the same Father, and His name in YHWY!
The funny thing is, later they go on to say that a hippo's digestive system is pretty much exactly like a cows, four cambers, fermenting grass, the whole nine, so do they also share a common ancestor? Were there some really freaky things going on between cows an dolphins millions of years ago and a hippo came out of the deal? But wait a minute, according to that science, don't all mammals share common ancestry? So what would be the big deal anyway?
Either way, physics shows that clicks and whistle sounds travel really well under water, so if you're going to communicate under water, it's intelligent to use squeaks, clicks and whistles... Hmm, it's almost like someone knew that, and designed accordingly... I just thought of something! Sonar communicates the same way... Do hippos and sonar have a common ancestor...?

Thank you for reading!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think if Jesus were here today. He would be sad at what has become of those who claim to live in His name.
Judge not. For He does not...

12:33 AM, July 24, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well... I have always known that hippos were the best animal around. I mean really what could be better than a dolphin-cow mix. Not to mention they are darn good looking.


8:05 PM, July 31, 2005  

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