
I LOVE MY RABBI! I'm not Jewish... but my Rabbi is!

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Location: New York, United States

I LOVE my Rabbi!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Bible Study!

Hey everyone, it's been a long time since I've posted anything significant on this site, I hope you are still out there, however.

In the news... I started a bible study in my home. Like you might know, I've recently moved back to New York after having moved to North Carolina for six months or so. Well, I had a great time while I was there. Actually, I had way more than just a great time, I actually had a whole bunch of enlightening experiences with our Holy Father. He's pretty great. Remember that time He told us to delight in our trials, well, I know why He said that now! Anyway, I'm getting a little away from myself right now. What I mean to tell you about is the bible study I started since I've moved back, it's been pretty awesome.

When I moved to North Carolina I lost my life group, or rather, it lost me, I'm not sure which. At the same time that I moved to NC everyone else in the group either got a new one or also moved out of the state; when I came back to NY it had completely dissolved... So, I was left without one. "Now what?!" I said to myself... "hmm, maybe I'll start one of my own," I replied. So I did, it's for college aged and twenty-somethings. Right now we're doing a verse by verse read through of the letter of James. Great read if you've never. I'm trying to come up with a name for it, if you have any suggestions, send them my way. Right now I'm leaning toward KELAIAH, it's a Hebrew name that means "voice of the Lord; gather together," I'm told. Seems pretty appropriate, no? If you have anything else, please give it. I came up with a name for a high school bible study once, it's called "The Harbor." It comes from the idea that its a safe place to be, but it goes really deep, the thought there was the New York harbor, specifically. I guess it's a good name because it's still around, and it's still called that. So when I thought to name this bible study my thoughts immediately went to "the Cape!" When you move on from the Harbor, sail on up to the Cape. Seems almost like a good idea, but, I'm not too sure. I like the other one better.

Anywho, that's what I'm doing for now. I hope that if you read this you will respond with some great names, or you could email me with the ideas. The link is in my profile. Well hope you hear from you soon! And hopefully I will be posting regularly again, so keep checking!

Peace and Grace to you all!

Thank you for reading!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

How about "catacombs" for a name. The catacombs were burial grounds where the Christians gathered while they were persecuted in the early years.

Its historical, authentic, and edgy.

When in Rome I did not go to the catacombs though, fool that I am!

11:27 AM, December 07, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm very glad that you're back. New York isn't the same without Scoot McKenzie. Or you, for that matter. See you at Christmas!!

P.S. You should call your group, "Short One Man Until July '06"

10:17 AM, December 08, 2005  

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