
I LOVE MY RABBI! I'm not Jewish... but my Rabbi is!

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I LOVE my Rabbi!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Tragedy Struck

Last night on the Late Show with David Letterman a terrible tragedy was revealed. It involve one of the things I hold most dearly to my heart. PEZ dispensers.

You see, the guys from American Choppers were on the show, they were promoting their new line of production bikes, that's cool and all, motorcycles, whatever. But then it happened. Dave pulls out from underneath his desk a collectible set of three PEZ dispensers... AND IT'S THE GUYS FROM AMERICAN CHOPPERS! Now you might be thinking to yourself. "Who cares Scott, there are tons of PEZs with tons of famous characters on them." Well, no, there isn't actually. Up until this point there has never been a real human that is still alive made into PEZ form. So what, right? Well let me tell you what. This is a two fold crime against PEZmanity.

First and for most: if any person should have been the first, it should have been Jerry Seinfeld. Jerry single handedly brought PEZ collecting back to the lime light in the mid-nineties by highlighting them on his show. They considered it, PEZ collectors demanded it, but they refused, saying that it goes against there strict "no one alive" policy.

Second: It's a pretty bad slippery slope. Once you make a celebrity that's still alive, where do you end. Now that that ice has been broken, whose next, and why? There's no reason now not to make a Cher PEZ, or a Justin Timberlake. All I'm saying, as a collector, I don't want to have a shelf full of lame washed up celebrities that a bunch of jerks in Connecticut thought were PEZ worthy!

I guess everything changes, some change is for the best, some for the worse and other just for profit.

Thank you for reading!


Blogger srezsnyak said...

Whoa, Scott...this is, indeed, pretty tragic. I'm sorry that you're having to experience this. But now that it's started happening, why not look into getting yourself, the world's most passionate PEZ collector, made into a PEZ?

Hope things are great (aside from this latest news, of course!)

2:21 PM, July 27, 2006  
Blogger Abby said...

Ok so what? your computer is broken? Thats rotten. I just thought I'd let you know that I only have one more week of camp! YEA THANK HEAVENS. Now I just need a job when I go home... Hum. Anyway I hope you're having a great day!

2:01 AM, August 05, 2006  

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